
Special Operations Executive (SOE) har ett speciellt romantiskt skimmer omkring sig. Allt de gjorde, i Norge eller på andra ställen, var kanske inte så genomtänkt.

Organisationen går inte att undvika i materialet. Kolla gärna in sidorna nedan, eller gör en sökning på brittiska National Archives.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Special Operations Executive

Special Operations Executive (SOE) was a British organisation formed in 1940 to conduct espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance in German-occupied Europe and to aid local resistance movements during World War II.

SOE personnel operated in all territories occupied or attacked by the Axis powers, except where demarcation lines were agreed upon with Britain's principal Allies, the United States and the Soviet Union. SOE made use of neutral territory on occasion, or made plans and preparations in case neutral countries were attacked by the Axis.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Special Operations Executive

Special Operations Executive, SOE, även kallad The Baker Street Irregulars, var en brittisk organisation under andra världskriget. SOE svarade för sabotage- och understödsverksamhet inom ramen för vad som idag kallas för Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW).

Snippet from Wikipedia: Special Operations Executive

Special Operations Executive (SOE) var en britisk, hemmelig militærenhet, opprettet 19. juli 1940 for å planlegge, lede og gjennomføre undergravingsvirksomhet og sabotasjeaksjoner mot tyskerne i okkuperte land.

En avhandling i ämnet

Ett besök på National Archives webbplats kan vara givande för den intresserade.

  • tisteln/grupper/soe.txt
  • Last modified: 2015/08/03 18:28
  • by ragnvald